It’s Time for The Avengers Fans to Boycott Internet

The much awaited final part of *Avengers* series, *Endgame* is all set to release next week and fans are pretty excited. However, like every time there are people out there with the evil intention of spoiling the movie for the diehard fans who have waited over a decade to see the story of their favorite Marvel heroes conclude.
As per the latest update, a part – most likely the ending – of *Endgame* has leaked online and left many fans unhappy that were eagerly waiting for April 26, the date of film’s official release.
Despite *Endgame* directors Joe and Anthony Russo’s earlier request to fans on boycotting spoilers so that the movie isn’t spoiled for all those patiently waiting for the film’s worldwide release, the spoilers have spread like wildfire on the internet. There’s no stopping it now!
So if you too are a fan who wants to go the cinema to know what happened after Thanos snapped the world to end, it’s better that you block each and every key word of *Endgame* or better yet just get off from the social media for a few days. At least this is what some fans are doing as of now.
Be careful when going through the internet. I've heard there's been a massive leak and it's spoiling a lot of #AvengersEndgame footage. I recommend muting some words for safety!
— Luke (@DeltaLuke_) April 16, 2019
If you don’t want to be spoiled stay off all major social media. Someone has leaked Avengers Endgame. #AvengersEndgame #leak #spoilers
— Gonzo (@SmugFac3Ac3) April 16, 2019
With the apparent Avengers: Endgame leaks, I’m staying off of Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram until I see the movie. Mainly going to just post updates but not scroll through my feeds. See ya’ll on the flipside.
— jeremy d. (@jeremydizon) April 16, 2019
Staying off of Twitter until I see Avengers: Endgame next week. Huge legit spoilers are being posted everywhere. Got try my hardest to stay off Instagram and YouTube as well. I accidentally saw a photo of one of the leaks and wish I didn’t. Oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯
— Raul Esquivel (@raulativity) April 16, 2019
Seeing the chaos, we too are thinking to just quit the social media for 10 days so that the whole wait of a decade, the 21 movies we have watched in the series can all come to a fruitful end on April 26th. Fingers crossed!