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”I have been harassed by females in show biz”, Rabi Pirzada opens up another Pandora box.

Singer and actress Rabi Pirzada has surely got a talent for being in news. It was a while ago when she sang her version of famous song of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ” Merey Rashk e Qamar” which turned out to be a disappointment for many after watching its video starring Rabi and the python.

But this singer actress, who is also working on promotions of her debt film Shor Sharaba, has opened a new Pandora box. While talking to media she claims she has been harassed by females being in show biz. Also making allegation that current ongoing #MeToo trend is a publicity stunt.

Rabi stated, ”Before someone living in Wonderland tries to tell me that the issue is mostly confined to other people in our society, not media individuals.”

Actress also claims that,” I’m working in media from a long time now, no men has ever harassed me when I give respect to people, I always get great respect in return from people in media business whether they are male or female.”

She has made a huge allegation which is surely going to start a new debate #MeToo is not just about men. Rabi claims to be harassed by females. She makes her statement, ” In fact some fine ladies have shown some weird gestures which I instantly avoided and I started keeping a distance, this is how one can handle any odd situation… We should respect each other in any gender or form after all we are Humans. Stop criticizing and judging each other!!!”

Justifying her comments she also says, ”I have offended lots of showbiz ladies regarding me too campaign. But I said what I feel.. I didn’t say men don’t harass they do, but not to ladies like Meesha or me. Yes women do harass and we sometimes ignore that… why this discrimination?”

Saman Siddiqui

I am a freelance journalist with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and an MS in Peace and Conflict Studies. Since 2006, I have been involved in various capacities within the electronic media industry. At OyeYeah, I cover diverse genres ranging from journalism and fiction to fashion, including reviews and fact-finding reports.

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