Software updated! Naseeruddin Shah admits his faulty statement related to Sindhi language in Pakistan
Shah admits claimed that 'Sindhi no longer spoken in Pakistan'

Naseeruddin Shah has admitted his faulty statement related to the Sindhi language in Pakistan!
Bollywood veteran actor received quite a flank following his comments that Sindhi isn’t spoken in Pakistan!
Bollywood star in a promotional interview with Tried&Refused Productions for his latest TV series Taj, bluntly claimed, “Sindhi is, of course, no longer spoken in Pakistan”.
Naseeruddin Shah admitted his mistake in the statement related to the Sindhi language in Pakistan and also about the Marathi language.
The statement shared on Actor’s Facebook page said, “Two completely unnecessary controversies seem to have erupted. over things, I’ve said recently. One is regarding my misstatement of the Sindhi language in Pakistan. I was in error there. The second is over what I’m supposed to have said about the relationship between Marathi and Farsi. My exact words were ‘Many Marathi words are of Farsi origin.’My intention was not to run down the Marathi language but to talk about how diversity enriches all cultures Urdu itself is a mix of Hindi Farsi Turkish and Arabic. English has borrowed words from all European languages not to mention Hindustani and I suppose that is true of every language spoken on earth.”