Prince William Opens Up About Trauma of Losing Mother as a Child
In a televised conversation normalizing mental health issues, Prince William recently moved the audience as he opened up about the trauma of losing his mother Princess Diana at a young age. Alongside him participating in the conversation was former footballer Marvin Sordel who also lost his father at in early age.
The two men discussed how losing their parents during childhood impacted their emotional health as well as the intense pressure of parenthood that took toll having their own children.
“I grew up without my father and I’ve not had a father to look up to, and now I’ve got a child looking up at their father,” said the footballer.
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“I can relate to what you’re feeling,” responded William who lost his mother when he was 12 years old.
“When you’ve been through something traumatic, like your dad not being around, my mother dying when I was younger, your emotions come back in leaps and bounds. Because it’s a very different phase of life and there’s no one around to help you,” he further said.
“Having children is the biggest life-changing moment, it really is. I definitely found it overwhelming at times,” the Duke of Cambridge openly admitted.
It was however his wife Kate Middleton’s support that helped the sale through the unchartered territory of parenthood, William shared.