Rihanna’s stalker arrested after he breaks into her home to rape her

We all have our favorite celebrities whom we stalk everyday on Instagram, Facebook, twitter etc but does it sound okay if we did the same in reality? Well turns out of the fans took stalking too seriously and on a whole new level.
We all love Rihanna, dont we? Maybe Eduardo Leon loved her a little too much that made him stalk the star everywhere to an extent that exceeded the normal obsession to a celebrity. 26 year-old, Eduardo Leon, broke into Rihanna’s home last Wednesday and has been taken in custody charged with a felony for breaking in, vandalizing and burglary, according to the TMZ.
If thats not creepy enough, the man had to say that he just wanted to have sex with Rihanna, however raping was not his intention to do so. Thankfully, Rihanna’s security got the best of him and found him in the L.A area of her house after he broke in by disabling her security alarm system and stayed hidden for 24 hours!
The cops who found him, also found his phone plugged in casually for charging and his bag unpacked in Rihanna’s home, claiming that the intruder was making himself feel at home. Luckily, Rihanna was out of the town at the moment and the intruder was caught in time before he could do any harm to the singer.
Sure Rihanna may have seem thousands of crazy fans over the span of her singing career, but this one clearly crossed the limits. Our heart is with you Rihanna and knowing the strong woman you are, we’re sure you’re already laughing over this crazy man. May you stay safe and keep shining bright like the star you are! We Love you!