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Waseem Shahzad , An International Success Story!

Success stories are often inspiring for millions but a very few engage the hearts when it comes to the sharing of the struggle behind achieving big dreams . Waseem Shahzad is one of the well knowned successful entrepreneur, whose success story is relatable to struggles and real hard work.

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Coming from the land of opportunities Waseem never got the chance to explore his talent because of  having family responsibilities which always had him bounded, with the desire to fulfill his parent’s dream Waseem took up engineering but faced a lot of hurdles as his dreams were different.

Leaving no stone unturned and having no financial support, Waseem made his way from fixing Iphones to becoming renowned IT professional, also resolving various celebrities’ social media hacked handles, he started earning and saving money for something big.


Along with studies, he started his own website naming Dxb Media Solution with a group of friends and started to generate good revenue. Never the less the website was turned down due to a massive disaster, which became a turning point in Waseem’s life as he had to start it again from scratch.

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In 2018 Waseem established his own website Dxb Media Solution having its way out crossing all the hurdles with no Godfather in the industry. Taking up with the campaign, he successfully made Hamdan Balushi the most trending celeb. Today, Dxb media solution is one of the leading UAE based portals which has renowned celebrities on board.

All the efforts made by this youngster made the emergence of a well-established entrepreneur possible. Waseem Shahzad, who dared to take up the challenge and never give up is now getting fruitful results.

Saman Siddiqui

I am a freelance journalist with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and an MS in Peace and Conflict Studies. Since 2006, I have been involved in various capacities within the electronic media industry. At OyeYeah, I cover diverse genres ranging from journalism and fiction to fashion, including reviews and fact-finding reports.

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