Zoheb Hassan warns to take legal action against his late sister’s ex-husband!

Singer Zoheb Hassan by taking it to social media has revealed that Nazia Hassan’s ex-husband intends to make a film a bio-pic on the late singer’s life. He also stated that his family will be opting to take a legal action against anyone who is involved in the above mentioned project.
In a Facebook post ,51-year-old celebrity singer wrote, “The Hassan family has come to know that Nazia’s ex-husband is trying to make a film on her life so he can feature himself and further profit from her name and fame.”
In the same post, he further added, “Anyone entertaining this individual shall be duly and legally sued by our family as he has no legal right or basis to do so.”
“Anyone entertaining this individual shall be duly and legally sued by our family as he has no legal right or basis to do so’, Zoheb Hassan further added.
Nazia Hassan passed away in August 2000, after suffering from lung cancer. She is termed as the queen of pop in South Asia. She started her music career at the age of 10, and became one of the most prominent singers of the sub-continent. Many of her songs also featured in Bollywood films are considered classics today.
Paired along with her brother, Zoheb Hassan, they went on to sell over 65 million records worldwide. She became the first Pakistani singer to be featured on British charts.