Coronavirus Could Return As a Seasonal Virus, American Researcher

American researcher of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci has predicted that Coronavirus – quite like the seasonal flu – has the tendency to become a seasonal virus that could return with every winter. The researcher, pinpointing at the current pattern of the disease that is heading towards the southern hemisphere (where winter is set to commence) has asserted that the disease can be suppressed this time but needs a better mechanism for the future.
“What we’re starting to see now in southern Africa and in the southern hemisphere countries, is that we’re having cases that are appearing as they go into their winter season,” said Fauci while talking to a media briefing.
He added, “There is a strong chance the new coronavirus could return in seasonal cycles.”
Emphasizing the urgent need to develop a vaccine and treatment for COVID-19, the scientist expressed hope that this time the world may be able to combat the pandemic. The need, however, will remain to be prepared for the next cycle.
“I know we’ll be successful in putting this down now, but we really need to be prepared for another cycle,” he said while adding further, “It totally emphasizes the need to do what we’re doing in developing a vaccine, testing it quickly and trying to get it ready so that we’ll have a vaccine available for that next cycle.”
As of now, two vaccines for the virus are being developed and have entered the human trial stages in the US and China. Researchers estimate that it will take 12 to 18 months to fully develop a vaccine that can cure COVID-19.