Drama Reviews

Bandhay Ek Dour Se Ep-8 Review: Omar and Maheen gets nikkahfied

Bandhay Ek Dour Se airing at Geo Entertainment is one refreshing drama serial about family ties and it is for the very first time that a simple yet quite a typical story is going so well with good execution and impressive performance. The supporting cast is equally good as the lead cast in fact audiences are more interested to see Saba Faisal, Saba Hameed, Samina Ahmed’s scenes. Ushna Shah, Hina Altaf, and Ahsan Khan’s performances are amazing too. This episode is quite fast-paced like the previous one.

As Omar’s Dadi, played by Samina Ahmed has decided that Omar and Maheen’s nikkah will take place at the previously decided date. Omar cannot say no to his father and mother as he knows the sensitivity of the matter and his heart also beats for his cousin and his chachi but he is too disturbed to be disloyal with Roshini, had Maheen told him about Roshini leaving him for Nabeel it would have been easier for Omar to accept Maheen and take this decision.

Maheen tries her best to tell her mother but she could not say anything to her. Her mother seems so satisfied and happy to marry her off with Omar that nor she nor Omar can gather the courage to say No on their Nikkah and they both get tied to this scared relation of Nikkah and ruksati of Maheen has also been done. The way Omar’s family is hastily arranging for the bride’s reception looks so good. The good thing about the play is that the characters are more realistic and are believable. They are not just like what we see in typical dramas like pure good or pure evils. It is very refreshing to see 7th Sky productions showing characters in such a positive light.

Roshini is on her way back home, I was expecting that she will reach at the venue exactly at the time when Maheen will be going with Omar as his bride but she arrives late. Roshini on her way back has realized that she is being punished for breaking Omar’s heart. She has realized that it is the same pain she is going through is what she has given to Omar. Omar on the other hand is not ready to accept Maheen as his bride and shares his feelings with his brother who very wisely advises him that he should accept Maheen as it is not her mistake and secondly he should not tell his family the reality, their happiness will turn into guilt. The play is written in such a positive light, especially the characters.

Roshini does not tell her mother what exactly Nabeel’s mother has told her but she tells her not to receive his mother’s call. Roshini gets ready for Maheen’s wedding but her mother tells her that she is been married off in the afternoon. Roshini is surprised, she meets Maheen’s mother and there she gets to know that Maheen is married to Omar. Roshini’s world turn upside down as she has developed feelings for Omar and she is planning to apologize to him. Is Roshini going to ruin Maheen’s married life? Or will Omar ever be able to give Maheen someplace in his heart?

Current Rating of Bandhay Ek Dour Se

4.2 out of 5 stars (based on 139 reviews)
Very good52%

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Rameeza Nasim

Rameeza Nasim, a Paralian, passionate about poetry, drama and fiction. By giving drama critiques I feel like I am endorsing the writer's message to the audiences, I love my job. Being a critic responsibility lies on my shoulders to point out the flaws and shortcomings of the play be it on writer's , performers or director's end . I did my Masters in English Literature and Linguistics .

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