Drama Reviews

Dil Kya Karay Last Episode Review: A beautiful union!

One of the most exquisite drama serial Dil Kya Karay on Geo Entertainment finally ended. One thing about Dil Kya Karay was the fact that it was the kind of drama that all desired to watch. It brought back that golden era of PTV, classic romances where the lovers conveyed everything with their expressions, performing a script so powerful enough that it’d make you believe what was going on the screen. Kudos to Asma Nabeel for having penned down such a subtle story that did gave out a message but not bombarded the audience with it. Feroze Khan and Yumna Zaidi brought life to Arman and Aimen, Mehreen Jabbar’s direction guiding them throughout to create the newest, most romantic, onscreen couple.

So what happened in the last episode of Dil Kya Karay?

The episode begins when Aiman is missing from the house and everyone is worried and panicking about her whereabouts. Romaisa blames herself for telling Aiman the truth and Bee Jaan on the other hand is panicking thinking only the worst. Arman is searching for her but there is no sign of her anywhere. Arman has a flight for America on the very same day and he is supposed to leave soon.


Well after a lot of searching and worrying, Bee Jaan finds Aiman siting in the living room, she is still in a state of confusion, she says that she can never think of going against the will of her beloved father so how did she married Saadi when her father wished to marry her with Arman.

Bee Jaan tries to comfort her by saying that her father did not even know about Saadi so she isn’t supposed to think about things that happened in the past. Aiman calls Arman to stop him, confessing her feelings for him in the most adorable manner. This happy moment, came a little late for Arman, but it was every bit well deserved.


Well despite of confessing the fact that Aiman has developed feelings for Arman she still needs time to absorb all this and does not want to get into a relationship in a hasty manner. Arman respects Aiman’s feelings. Aiman tells Arman that she had a dream where Saadi is giving her hand into Arman’s hand and then they both visited Saadi’s grave. Romaisa is more than happy and gets busy in wedding preparations for her son.


An important message that this play conveys is that of finding happiness and moving on, one does not die with the dead. Arman’s marrying Aiman, a widow, and then accepting her child as his own, is something what people should ideally do. Aiman’s in laws behavior and their marrying off Aiman themselves was also an example. Asma Nabeel embedded these strong messages in her story in the most convincing manners and what transpired was a beautiful tale of love and relationships. Something that’ll be cherished for long.

Current Rating of Dil Kya Karay

3.9 out of 5 stars (based on 195 reviews)

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Rameeza Nasim

Rameeza Nasim, a Paralian, passionate about poetry, drama and fiction. By giving drama critiques I feel like I am endorsing the writer's message to the audiences, I love my job. Being a critic responsibility lies on my shoulders to point out the flaws and shortcomings of the play be it on writer's , performers or director's end . I did my Masters in English Literature and Linguistics .

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