Dil Mom Ka Diya Episode 9 and 10 Review: Despite all odds, Azhar and Tamkinat are now nikkahfied!

Saira Raza has definitely written a beautiful story for Dil Mom Ka Diya on ARY Digital. Added to that, Shahid Shafaat’s brilliant direction and some amazing performances by his lead cast, including Yasir Nawaz, Neelam Muneer, Imran Ashraf and also Hira Mani, Dil Mom Ka Diya is a drama that you don’t really want to miss.
Not only is this show lighthearted but it has a story which keeps the audience engaged. Where Neelam Muneer completely owns Ulfat’s character, Yasir Nawaz as Afzal is wonderful and Hira Mani as Tamkinat is simply amazing. Imran Ashraf has been a favorite since Alif Allah aur Insan and it won’t be incorrect to say that this actor is only maturing with each drama he does.
Well as we all were expecting Ulfat is furious and want to take revenge for her insult. This time she finds a different way to hurt and punish Afzal. However what she does not realize is that by doing what she did she not just hurt Afzal but also crushed the self respect of her own parents. However Ulfat is one such loathsome character who only thinks of her own self and being so selfish is what was expected of her personality.
When Ulfat realizes that Afzal is really upset with her and he has left her there at her father’s place and she sees Salma bringing bridal dress and jewelry set for Tamkinat, she gets jealous. She returns to her place and starts doing the drama that she is embarrassed on what she said. The very next day she demands that she want a new jewelry and dress for Azhar’s nikah. Ulfat cannot bear Tamkinat’s presence but despite all, the nikkah takes place and Azhar and Tamkinat are tied in a bond of love.
Salma has again called some guests for Kausar’s proposal but now at her own place just to avoid any unpleasant scene. Yet the family is upset that Ulfat can come to her place too just to tease them and ruin their program. Salma senses trouble and therefore she calls Afzal and tell him to control Ulfat. UIfat is all set to spoil their program but Afzal arrives at the very moment and all ends well for Kausar, whose engagement is now fixed.
In contrast to Ulfat’s character, Tamkinat is way sensible and caring. When Ulfaat heartlessly hurts her mother saying why they created the drama of arranging a lunch when Afzal is supporting them all, Tamkinat realizes the actual problem and consoles her chachi. She also tells Azhar that it is her responsibility to support her chacha’s family. Afzal appreciates Tamkinat but he says that he is the son and it is his responsibility. Afzal’s character is really commendable as he is portrayed as a thorough gentleman who takes care of everyone. But does he deserve Ulfat? What will happen when Tamkinat and Ulfat come face to face under one roof? To find out we’ll have to tune in to the next episode of Dil Mom Ka Diya and we’re sure, we’ll not be disappointed.
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