Drama Reviews

Ehd-e-Wafa Episode-7 Review: The Boys Are Settling in Different Lives 

Ehd-e-Wafa episode 7 aired last night and we found it a bit slow this time. However, luckily this week Saifi Hassan’s directorial covered all major characters and the boys seemed to settling in their places for the longer run.

With Saad (Ahad Raza Mir) and Shahzain (Osman Khalid Butt) continuing their PMA and personal responsibilities respectively, it was good to have Shariq (Wahaj Ali) and Sheheryar (Ahmed Ali Akbar) back.

It was interesting to see that Shariq has landed in a newspaper and wants to make a career in media. His scenes this week hinted on his future digital journalism career and we are glad that the story will have an array of different lives portrayed in this drama. On the other end we felt bad for Sheheryar who due to turn of fate has ended up with his father’s music band and has to do things he absolutely despises.

Saad’s PMA is on full flow and it’s nice to have a glimpse of cadet life through Ehd-e-Wafa’s lense. This time he also met Dua (Alizey Shah) once again and things are quite promising for the lovebirds.

Shahzain however is still stuck between the marriage proposal of Rani (Zara Noor Abbas) and his own stubbornness to marry Alizey. Only time will tell what other consequences Shahzain will have to bear in the quest to satisfy his ego.

Current Rating of Ehd e Wafa

4.6 out of 5 stars (based on 3,266 reviews)
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