Farq Episodes 13 and 14 Review: Kamal is being a bit possessive about his wife
Ayezal tries to demean Irsa in front of Kamal by telling him about Jamshaid

7th Sky Entertainment’s production drama serial Farq aired its 13 and 14 episodes this week at Geo Entertainment. This play besides being an over-the-top (OTT) serial is inappropriate at so many levels plus the story itself is not making any sense at all. The performances are all good. In the previous episode, we watched that defying all odds Kamal married Irsa. In the set of latest episodes, it is shown that Kamal is being a bit possessive about his wife.
Well, I still cannot understand the reason why Kamal married Irsa the daughter of his chauffeur and who is also approximately his own daughter’s age. Why? It is clear that he has not married her for the goodness of Ayezal. So we assume that Kamal has married her out of lust or maybe a reason can be that he married her so that he can save himself from Faiza and her never-ending dramas.
Jamshaid gets critically injured in a road accident while driving his bike. His sister Bano, why she is not realizing the fact that Irsa is now married? She calls Irsa and starts insisting she come. Irsa is resolute that she will not go but then her friend tells her that he might die. Irsa goes to the hospital for her friend’s sake so that she will not have to regret it if something going to happen with him.
Irsa goes to the hospital but she does not see Jamshaid which is again making no sense at all. Ayezal has heard Irsa talking with her friend about Jamshaid’s accident. Now it is the turn for Ayezal to become vile and tell her father about Jamshaid. Well Bano could have spoken the truth to him by telling him that her best friend’s brother has got injured and she needs to visit them but no she lies that she is going to visit her father.
Kamal when get to know about Irsa’s lying to him and also about Jamshaid gets crossed. Kamal’s behaviour is justified but he says nothing to Irsa. Irsa sensed that Kamal’s mood is not well wondering how come she has realized that Kamal has caught her lie. Does he ask him about Jamshaid? She could have told him now that he is her best friend’s brother. She tells him that he loves her and it seems that Kamal is being a bit possessive about his wife. Still, Kamal’s behaviour is not making any sense we cannot see his intense reaction but still, he is being possessive.