Drama Reviews

Malaal e Yaar Episode-22 Review: Hooriya is giving Balaaj a tough time!

Drama serial Malaal e Yaar, depicting a particular mindset and their aristocracies, the play is a true reflection of feudalistic mindset where a woman is nothing but a slave of her husband. She has no life of her own. Similarly Taya Sarkar is treating her wife like that she does everything, puts chappal in his feet but he never acknowledge her and never leave a chance to snub her and now Balaaj is trying to follow his footsteps for him, Hooriya is merely his property which he proudly owns and expect that she will do whatever he will ask her to do but Hooriya is giving him a really tough time.

The episode begins when some Dawaat was going in the house and Balaaj requests Bibi Jan to make Kheer for him but Bibi Jaan says that now Hooriya will make Kheer for him. She teaches Hooriya how to make Kheer. Hooriya follows all directions like a good girl but then the naughty Hooriya when serving the Kheer bowls puts salt in Balaaj’s bowl. Balaaj creates a fuss but no one is ready to believe him as the Kheer they are eating is just perfect and tasty.


It seems that Balaaj wants to be close to Hooriya and he also wants to be romantic with her but Hooriya is not letting him do that. Whenever he tries to sound romantic Hooriya says something bitter. Balaaj is getting mad at this, he tries to harass Hooriya to by saying that he likes her helplessness on which Hooriya gets tear eyed she says what else you can do but to exhibit your strength on a helpless girl.


Despite Taya Sarkar’s disapproval, Malik Wajahat takes Minhal to Faiq’s new house making an excuse that they are going to the hospital to visit her mother. Minhal spends the day in Faiq’s new home decorating it. Well, one wonders what kind of job he is doing which has given him such a big lavish house what job gives such lavish accommodation to such junior level. Anyways Faiq is more than happy to see her there and guess what pathetic Amber keeps calling him during this time but he keeps rejecting her calls.


Amber is being a real loser she is now getting jealous of Minhal and also on that she is happy with her fiance. Last time she sees her with her fiance in the car she could not see Faiq but she has noticed that the car is brand new. Being a low life she is getting jealous of this too and she tries to feed her mother’s mind by saying that it seems that Faiq is Minhal’s love and She is just using Samreen’s name. She is so pathetic. Malik Jahangheer gives his Paag to Malik Balaaj and asks him to do the panchayat proceedings Malik Wajahat is a bit shocked on this.

Current Rating of Malaal e Yaar

3.1 out of 5 stars (based on 631 reviews)
Very good35%

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Rameeza Nasim

Rameeza Nasim, a Paralian, passionate about poetry, drama and fiction. By giving drama critiques I feel like I am endorsing the writer's message to the audiences, I love my job. Being a critic responsibility lies on my shoulders to point out the flaws and shortcomings of the play be it on writer's , performers or director's end . I did my Masters in English Literature and Linguistics .

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