Has Facebook deleted Aamir Liaquat’s official page?

While Aamir Liaquat may have gained fame through religious program ‘Aalim Online’, his existence in the media has become pretty controversial over the years.
Aamir has been slapped a ban by PEMRA on various occasions, the latest being a month ban this Ramadan. This ban was put in place after Liaquat engaged in a heated discussion with a religious scholar during a live program after a live call with a caller from across the border.
Have a look at the video clip:
The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Wednesday allows him to appear on television shows. However, it supported PEMRA’s decision to suspend his Ramadan show on Bol TV.
Except for the PEMRA ban, it seems he has been banned from social media too. The Facebook authorities deleted his official page.
The official reason behind the Facebook page suspension is unknown, However, his Twitter account is still active.
میں نے کہا تھا نا جنہوں نے مجھے تھام رکھا ہے اور اپنے غلاف عشق کا ایک دھاگا بنا لیا ہے یہ ان ہی کا کرم تھا کہ کہہ دو #MainNahiHaaronga pic.twitter.com/t7xLDo2VWg
— Aamir Liaquat Husain (@AamirLiaquat) May 30, 2018