”I was honoured to be awarded the Pakistan Icon Plaque in recognition of my film work at Filmfare ME re-launch”, says Mehwish Hayat

Dubai witnessed an evening of glitz and glamour at the re-launch ceremony of Filmfare Middle East edition. Pakistani artists rocked at the event along with the B-town, including Fawad Khan, Mehwish Hayat, Husnain Lehri and Jawed Sheikh. Earlier it was reported that Fawad Khan was awarded cinematic icon but he wasn’t the only one, Mehwish Hayat was also awarded the Pakistan Icon Plaque in recognition of her film work over the past few years.
”I have always said that I do not judge my success by awards, but this one was different because it was international recognition for everything that we have achieved in our industry. To share the platform with members of our fraternity from across the border and to be considered on equal standing with them was very rewarding. It was acknowledgement of how far we have come in such a short time. We no longer have to live in anybody’s shadow. We are all very naive if we think that films and artists can overcome 70 years of history and deep politics. True collaboration is much more than casting actors from across the border in each other’s films. Let them show our drama serials and films first!”, expresses the actress on her Instagram
The actress also wishes that her Indian friends could visit Pakistan and witness the love of Pakistani people. She made the point at speaking at the ceremony that artists and films play role of building bridges between the two nations.
Fawad Khan awarded cinematic icon of Pak/Ind at the re-launch of FilmFare Middle East edition
”I long for the day when people in India can freely see my movies in their country, just as Indian films are played in my country”, says Mehwish speaking at the re-launch ceremony.