Simpsons predicted Capitol Hill violence! Netizens are freaking out

The Simpsons show has quite a reputation for predicting a number of events leaving fans freaking out.
Similar to previous incidents, Capitol Hill’s violence was also predicted by the show.Its 2020 Halloween episode predicted unrest after the US elections.
In the episode, which aired on November 1, 2020, a startling scene showed fires burning across the fictional town of Springfield, which is strikingly similar to the recent events in Washington DC.
Fans took to Twitter to share their shock at the similarities between Wednesday’s events and those shown in the Halloween episode:
The Simpsons really predicted the Capitol getting ambushed LMAOOO
— iG:Capsaveahoe3.0 (@mrcapsaveahoe1) January 6, 2021
@HoodHealer #TheSimpsons
— steph 🖤 (@stephfranc0) January 7, 2021
After the shocking events of insurgency at Capitol Hill by Trump’s supports, a number of netizens came out claiming that the popular adult animated show Simpsons had already predicted such events.
Security at Capitol Hill
— Ireland Simpsons Fans (@iresimpsonsfans) January 7, 2021
As the world watched images and videos coming out from the US capital on media including the social media platforms, a number of Twitter users shared screen grabs and a video from one of the episodes of The Simpsons.
Reportedly, The clip is from episode 18 from season 7 of the series. titled called The Day the Violence Died. The video shows characters’, which are not depicted as people, storming the capitol holding guns, and even bombs.
In the above-mentioned episode, Krusty the Clown presented ‘I’m an Amendment to Be’, depicting a Constitutional Amendment’s attempt to ban flag burning.
The episode was a parody of I’m Just a Bill, a 1976 Schoolhouse Rock! the segment featuring a song of the same title written by Dave Frishberg.
Simpsons predicted it many years ago #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC
— Frɑᴎↄǝscσ (@FCr_91) January 6, 2021
There were a number of other screen grabs from the Simpsons doing round on Twitter, suggesting the Capitol Hill incident was predicted many years ago:
Simpson's predicted the Capitol Hill thing.
— my wheelhouse (@mywheelhouseftw) January 6, 2021
Live pictures from inside the US Capitol
— Ireland Simpsons Fans (@iresimpsonsfans) January 6, 2021
Sadly the Simpsons predicted this one as well. #Capitol #capitolhill
— Coaxialrose (@coaxialrose) January 6, 2021