Strings new track Urr Jaoon, makes us long for a better world!
In the last few years, with the growth of electronic media, there is no lack of people telling us what the right thing to do is. Talk shows, plays, songs and movies, various mediums have been used to make a point. It’s happening across the border too. But there are very few artists who have been able to deliver a message yet retain its entertainment value. With Urr Jaoon, String and Jami have achieved that seemingly elusive balance.
The lyrics of the song talk of aspiration. The urge to move far and beyond how the world has defined you as an individual. Be it on basis of your cast, religion or financial status. To move beyond these worldly desires and simply cut of the bonds which hold you back. It is about being a better human. Breaking that barrier if you have that privilege and push against the norms. Music is quite Strings like. There isn’t much out of the ordinary, or something that you wont expect in a String song. However, it fits with the overall feel combined with lyrics and the video.
Strings are back with Sajni and its exactly as you wanted it to be!
Talking about the video by Jami is equally beautiful. We see a bunch of girls serving dinner at this very lavish arrangement. The so called elites of the society are having dinner and discussing important matters. In a moment of self-realization, Faisal Kapadia gives up his own seat for the girl and the other guest follow.
It’s a small reflection on how we neglect such things life. The social order, which has stayed with us for centuries, needs to be broken or inequality will continue to hold back our progress.