Entertainment NewsMusic
This version of Ko Ko Korina by the Leo Twins is absolutely fantastic!

Coke Studio recently released its rendition of the hit classic Ko Ko Korina and absolutely destroyed it. Even Ahad Raza Mir’s charm was not enough to save the song from drowning, nor were Momina’s sweet vocals. Even the human rights minister Shirin Mazari tweeted what a horrible experience it was.
However, let bygones be bygones. The song’s done and dusted with. But if you really want to enjoy a better version of the classic, go ahead and listen to this one by the Leo Twins.
Our personal favorite by the duo was the cover of Despacito earlier, but they’ve won us over with this one as well.
Watch it yourself and tell us what you think.
We call this the perfect antidote to the disaster by Coke Studio. What do you think?