The Australian HC in Pakistan discovers the secret to enjoying monsoon in desi style

The Australian high commissioner in Pakistan has discovered the secret to enjoying monsoon season in desi style!
The rainy season has its own perks when it arrives in Pakistan, and especially when there are mangoes are also in season.
The perfect way to enjoy the monsoon is to have this king of fruits included in meals on a daily basis.
And that’s what has been discovered by Dr. Geoffrey Shaw, Australian high commissioner in Islamabad.
Tasking it to social media HC Shaw shared how is he enjoying the monsoon in Pakistan.
“Enjoying a sweet and spicy ‘Aam Ki Chutney’ with some garam samosas — a perfect recipe to try on a rainy day during Pakistan’s #mango season. I made this delicious chutney with fresh tropical mangoes from my own garden. Great to store in a jar to enjoy later! #Monsoon2021,” his excellency tweeted.
Enjoying a sweet and spicy 🥭‘Aam Ki Chutney’ with some garam samosas — a perfect recipe to try on a rainy day during Pakistan’s #mango season. I made this delicious chutney with fresh tropical mangoes from my own garden. Great to store in a jar to enjoy later! #Monsoon2021
— Neil Hawkins (@AusHCPak) July 12, 2021
Excellency u are no less than a qualified professional sheff
— R Chughtai (@ChughtaiRauf) July 13, 2021
Perfect combination and looks yummy too! #MangoSeason #Monsoon2021 #PakistanZindaad
— Muhammad Riaz (@riazhuss) July 12, 2021
From where you found the recipe Sir 😅
— Sarfraz Ahmad Sirohey (@AhmadSirohey) July 12, 2021
Try small slices of mango in cold yogurt.
— Khalid Rahim (@krahim9) July 12, 2021