Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2019 Urban Concept Winners

The exciting UrbanConcept mileage challenge came to a close on May 1st, 2019, the third day of Shell Eco-marathon Asia.
Team NUSTAG from National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) College of EME, Rawalpindi completed their first valid run with a mileage of 72 km/liter effectively beating their own performance from last year.
The top three UrbanConcept teams from each category have made it to the Drivers‘ World Championship Qualifier, and will competed on May 2nd, 2019 in a race to see who crossed the finish line first without running out of their limited allocation of energy.
The teams are:
Category Position Team Result
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE First ITS Team Sapuangin
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia) 395.1 (km/l)
Second Garuda UNY ECO Team
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Indonesia) 382.9 (km/l)
Third Sadewa
Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia) 347.9 (km/l)
Battery Electric
First LH-EST
Lac Hong University (Vietnam) 170.1 (km/kWh)
Second Nogogeni ITS Team 1
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia) 169.1(km/kWh)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia) 164.8 (km/kWh)
Hydrogen Fuel Cell First Nanyang E Drive
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) 93.9 (km/m3)
Second ITS Team 5
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia) 89.9 (km/m3)
Third UiTM Eco-Planet
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam (Malaysia) 44.9 (km/m3)
This year a total of 55 UrbanConcept student teams from the region were on track, pitting their innovative vehicles against each other in sub-categories spanning internal combustion engine, battery electric power, and hydrogen fuel cell.
“The UrbanConcept cars seem largely more reliable than in previous years. We already have quite a number of valid runs than ever before. They seem, overall, more reliable and I think being on a professional race track with ample space, big turns for overtaking helped the students to achieve better results” explained Norman Koch, Global General Manager, Make the Future Live and Shell Eco-Marathon.
The competition, the first night race in the history of Shell Eco-marathon globally, was a new experience for both the spectators and participants. “The night race added the extra excitement factor to the racing and of course it helps the driver to concentrate, not driving in the heat of the day. The cooler temperatures may have helped the outcome of the result” said Norman.