Active shooter reported at YouTube Headquarters!

Reports of an active shooter at YouTube’ Headqaurters in San Bruno, CA have been doing round on social media. Local news station in the region has reported a number of 911 calls in the area related to the event. The police have also issued a warning for all bystanders to keep clear of the area. It seems as though emergency has been declared within and around the facility with immediate evacuation needed.
#shooter at #youtube across the street
— Bryce (@S1yce) April 3, 2018
Active shooter at YouTube HQ. Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk. Now barricaded inside a room with coworkers.
— Vadim Lavrusik (@Lavrusik) April 3, 2018
The YouTube CA headquarter houses more than 1,100 employees, as per to Google. According to TechCrunch and as per confirmation from the San Bruno Police, there is an active incident in the area, but the department has yet to issue an official statement. They have, however, confirmed with The Hollywood Report that the situation constitutes a “very active scene.” Which however, now seems under control.
Safe. Got evacuated it. Outside now.
— Vadim Lavrusik (@Lavrusik) April 3, 2018