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Is Angelina Jolie converting to Islam this Ramzan?

Channels are eager to sell just about anything in the name of Ramazan Transmissions. And this time, one of them have gone a step ahead. We’ve been seeing news of Angelina Jolie converting to Islam in Bol’s Ramazan transmission doing round on the internet. But is there any truth to it?

Since all ramazan transmissions are rating oriented and any hype created definitely favors the franchise and so.

Just imagine Angelina Jolie will be converting to Islam no other place than a Ramzan transmission of a local news channel and amazingly a contract signed has been signed for all this ongoing process.

I received this message via a friend who has moved to the U.S., asking me to confirm the news and source. Having worked in media for a good 10 years and having reliable resources to confirm the news was not a problem at all. It took hardly few hours to connect with the officials and getting information that there is no such scene.

Output, the circulating news is a big fake. As well as the email id provided to establish this news is also fake. If you don’t trust us, try emailing yourself, your email will bounce back.

And here’s another one to make your day;

Saman Siddiqui

I am a freelance journalist with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and an MS in Peace and Conflict Studies. Since 2006, I have been involved in various capacities within the electronic media industry. At OyeYeah, I cover diverse genres ranging from journalism and fiction to fashion, including reviews and fact-finding reports.

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