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CEO Patari, Khalid Bajwa, resigns after harassment accusations prove true!

The incidents of sexual harassment just don’t stop. Pakistan, that we call a progressive nation, by choice perhaps, still faces a huge number of harassment complaints on a daily basis. The sad part is, not much is done about it.

Patari is a name that needs no introduction, the online music streaming giant has been setting trends not only in Pakistan but around the world as well. However, it seems, not even Patari is safe from incidents of sexual harrassment.

Following accusations made by two young women and being proven right, Patari CEO, Khalid Bajwa will be stepping down.

Patari has issued an official statement regarding the incident on its Twitter, confirming that Bajwa will no longer be part of the organization. Patari also tweeted about proper investigations before the allegations and claims were put forward.

COO of Patari Ahmer Naqvi said, “Our official statement is the only thing we will be saying right now,” refraining from making any further comments on the scenario.

The issue ignited when Mehravar Ali, claimed Bajwa had harassed her and shared screen shots of the conversation with the CEO.

Another woman, Zainab posted screen shots of the conversation Bajwa had conducted with her some time ago over text.

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