Mr. Bean is not dead: Viral death hoax targets actor Rowan Atkinson for the third time!

Once again worldwide famous Mr. Bean, actor Rowan Atkinson has been once again subjected to a death hoax, as several fake news posts about his death appearing online.
It started appearing as a breaking news story link apparently named with Fox News mentioning that the actor died in a car crash while attempting a stunt. The fake post shows a picture of Atkinson along with the caption ‘RIP 1955-2017’ and a ‘play’ button inviting users to play the video.
And if you happen to find any such link do not click on the message, as people will do struck with grief, but actually it is a scam. If you do click on the message, it is being reported that you will be diverted to a ‘security message’ that will claim your computer has been locked and in order to unlock it you must ring a support number. Whoever answers will then try and coax your credit card details out of you or could be a virus for your system.
It’s not for the first time that Rowan Atkinson was killed in fake news, first time it was in July 2016 when a “BBC” breaking news alert suggested that the actor died at the age of 58. Atkinson was also victim to a second hoax in March 2017 that also falsely reported his death. So apparently Mr. Bean has a hat trick to his credit for being dead on social media.
Rowan Atkinson is still alive reports British media and has just finished the filming of the latest Johnny English saga, “Johnny English Strikes Again”, which will be released 12 October.