Sahiwal Encounter Case: Punjab Govt. challenges ATC decision in LHC

The government of Punjab on Monday has filed a petition challenging the acquittal of the suspects in the Sahiwal incident.
The ATC had acquitted all six personnel of the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) of the charge of killing four persons in an alleged encounter earlier this year, giving them the benefit of doubt.
The court dismissed the statements given by 49 witnesses including victim Zeeshan’s brother Ehtisham and children of Khalil. The witnesses refused to identify the suspects before the court.
The appeal was filed at the Lahore High Court (LHC) by Additional Prosecutor Abdul Samad Khan.
The petition stated that either the investigation into the incident was flawed or witnesses had changed their statements.
The Punjab government approached the LHC days after Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered it to challenge the ATC’s decision.