SSGC Introduces Charges for Conical Baffle Installation Services
Consumers within its 3.2 million-strong network have been billed an extra Rs2,085, categorized as “conical baffle” charges.

The Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has begun charging consumers Rs2,085 for the installation of conical baffles as part of its geyser safety campaign.
This unexpected fee has caused concern among many customers, particularly those without geysers, as the charges were imposed before any installation took place.
In response to the backlash, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) clarified that the baffle installation is intended to improve safety and lower gas consumption.
OGRA encouraged affected customers to file complaints with SSGC or visit the Customer Facilitation Centers (CFC).
This initiative, part of the government’s energy conservation efforts, is projected to help consumers save up to 25% on their gas bills.
SSGC has also initiated a public awareness campaign to emphasize the advantages of conical baffles, which were made mandatory after an energy conservation meeting led by the Prime Minister.