With nearly 700 cases Pakistan’s Covid-19 positivity rate surges to 3.93%

With nearly 700 cases reported, Pakistan’s Covid-19 positivity rate surges to 3.93% on Friday.
This is the highest positivity rate in the last 3-4 months.
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) data, 694 new coronavirus cases were recorded during the last 24 hours, which is up from 641 a day earlier.
The number is the highest since March 10 when 723 infections were detected.
According to NIH, 17,640 Covid-19 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours while 101 patients were in critical care.
COVID-19 Statistics 01 July 2022
— NIH Pakistan (@NIH_Pakistan) July 1, 2022
Total Tests in Last 24 Hours: 17,640
Positive Cases: 694
Positivity %: 3.93%
Deaths: 00
Patients on Critical Care: 101
Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel in a special message to the nation on Friday said that the government was taking several measures to control the surge in Covid cases.
“The NCOC has been holding meetings on a daily basis to overview the virus situation in the country, he said, adding, “But we want to public to adopt precautionary measures and follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) religiously.”
“Especially during Eidul Azha, make sure you are wearing masks in public spaces and practicing social distancing,” the minister said.
“Avoid going to crowded areas. Don’t hug or shake hands on Eid. And get immunized against the virus,” he stressed.
Federal Health Minister also requested ulemas to ensure social distancing inside mosques and at religious gatherings.