Wrestler Brock Lesnar Accused of Sexual Harassment

In a recent turn of events, various wrestlers both WWE affiliates or independents, have been accused of sexual harassment as #SpeakingOut movement paced up in the community last week. Among other wrestlers, celebrity wrestler Brock Lesnar has also been accused by fellow Terri Runnels of sexually harassing her many years ago.
“Brock did something that if it was in today’s day and time…You know…He showed his privates to me and called my name as I was walking past his dressing room. He opened his towel so I could see,” said Terri recently as she opened up on the matter once again; the last time being 2004.
Read More : Justin Bieber Denies Sexual Assault Accusations with Proofs
“I would much rather he not be so disrespectful of a female that’s been in this business for as long as I have been. He knew he was gonna have a lot of power, that they were gonna give him the strap but at that point, I’d been in this business a long time,” the wrestler added.
Terri said that she doesn’t respect Brock and knows that he doesn’t respect wrestling fans either.
“I have respect and what he did was very, very wrong. From a respect standpoint, from a sexual harassment standpoint, it was wrong,” the wrestler added.