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Kevin Spacey’s ‘Billionaire Boys Club’ suffers largely due to sexual harassment allegations!

The collaborative crime-drama film “Billionaire Boys Club”, starring Kevin Spacey, manages to make only 126 dollars on its opening day. And it week end box office things were pretty stressful as it made only 162 dollars, a record lowest earning. According to reports the film is film opened in eight theaters scattered in selected states across the U.S. the overall two days’ total business was an abysmal of just 287 dollars.


This film is based on the on the real-life club of the same name that made headlines in Southern California in the 1980s. Kevin Spacy plays the role of the real-life Beverly Hills high-roller Ron Levin. The other star cast include Emma Roberts, Jeremy Irvine, Cary Elwes, Judd Nelson and Billie Lourd.

The main reason for such a huge flop, is the actor Kevin Spacey, who was accused of sexual assault by a number of people last year. Since the dawn of allegations, Spacey has lost a number of projects. Netflix’s popular series House of Cards fired him from the protagonist’s role. So did the Christopher Plummer’s All The Money In The World, that was released only after all of Kevin Spacey’s scenes being re-shot with another actor Ridley Scott.

In a statement the film’s distributor Vertical Entertainment said, “We hope these distressing allegations pertaining to one person’s behavior — that were not publicly known when the film was made almost two-and-a-half years ago and from someone who has a small, supporting role in Billionaire Boys Club — does not tarnish the release of the film”.

Saman Siddiqui

I am a freelance journalist with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and an MS in Peace and Conflict Studies. Since 2006, I have been involved in various capacities within the electronic media industry. At OyeYeah, I cover diverse genres ranging from journalism and fiction to fashion, including reviews and fact-finding reports.

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