Pakistani netizens urge government to do more amid coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization WHO, on Wednesday.
The novel virus has claimed more than 4,630 lives around the world with over 126,000 people infected by the virus in at least 107 countries and territories.
"WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction"-@DrTedros #COVID19
— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) March 11, 2020
Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the tally of positive cases has risen to 21, with 15 cases reported in Sindh. Though the de facto Health Minister urging the citizens not to panic and keep calm as govt. is taking all the measures to help prevent the virus spread.
However, in the time of international emergency, when many countries have imposed travel band as well as locked down the areas, there seems to be no word from Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The only worlds out are from the federal govt. representatives, including the Sindh govt. which has the most cases of coronavirus positive patients.
While hashtag #CancelEverything trends internationally on social media, Pakistani netizens including politicians and journalists, urge the government of Pakistan to do more amid coronavirus outbreak.
Developed countries with great healthcare systems are struggling with #CoronaOutbreak But I don’t see any alarm in my country where even basic health facilities are not available. As a citizen I plead to our indifferent & inefficient leaders to take action and take it NOW.
— Saman Jafriسمن جعفری (@SsamanJay) March 12, 2020
In Pakistan #CoronAVirus threat is not being taken seriously enough-PM @ImranKhanPTI must personally head a task force , with all CMs, key cabinet members & top military personnel ..1/2
— Nasim Zehra (@NasimZehra) March 11, 2020
to formulate & implement plan 4 prevention/treatment. Air/land travel/ all gatherings,quarantine,medical arrangements, food storage etc must be dealt with in a war footing. 2/2 #CoronaVirus
— Nasim Zehra (@NasimZehra) March 11, 2020
It is well past time now for a fully coordinated effort by the government. The PM needs to make a policy statement on #coronavirus and all national leadership, health departments, rescue services and military must be on board asap
— Zarrar Khuhro (@ZarrarKhuhro) March 12, 2020
Federal govt and PM: Please.Take.Action. Stop the big congregations like other countries!
— SenatorSherryRehman (@sherryrehman) March 12, 2020
Why isn't the #Pakistan government carrying out compulsory #coronavirus screening of folks coming to stadiums to watch #PSLV2020? People are lining up to show tickets & get in. Looks like a great opportunity to screen a large number of people in one place… #CoronavirusPandemic
— Mehreen Zahra-Malik (@mehreenzahra) March 12, 2020
No room for complacency, slow response after the recent announcement by WHO. The federal cabinet and provincial CMs should meet ASAP and work on a public health response to #COVD19 focusing on prevention!
— Raza Ahmad Rumi (@Razarumi) March 11, 2020