Pakistanis in Wuhan and other parts of China are safe, FO

The Foreign Office of Pakistan on Sunday refuted rumours about Pakistani citizens that they are under threat of getting coronavirus, stating that over 500 students and other community members in Wuhan, and in other parts of China, are all safe.
Peoples Republic of China has extended travel restrictions to overcome the viral infection that has killed 56 people and infected nearly 2,000, as the United States and France prepared to evacuate their citizens from Wuhan.
China has locked down the most affected province of Hubei in the country’s centre in an unparalleled operation affecting millions of people to limit the spread of a coronavirus that Chinese President Xi Jinping said posed a “grave” threat.
Foreign office spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said in a briefing, “This ministry and the Pakistan Embassy in China are actively monitoring the situation of Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan, China. The Embassy in Beijing and other sub-Missions in China are also in touch with the Pakistani community as well as Chinese authorities”.
“Over 500 students and other community members in Wuhan, and in other parts of China, are safe. There is no report of infection in any Pakistani community member thus far,” she added.
In her statement, she further said that the Pakistanis have been reassured of full support and requested to follow health advisories issued by the Chinese authorities and stay indoors, adding that “The current situation calls for greater patience and perseverance”.
The health ministry of China, in response of the increased viral cases, has put extra efforts to decrease the risks associated with the infection. “We laud the resolute efforts of Chinese authorities in dealing with the outbreak of the virus,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani students and community members living in China have been instructed to frequently visit the Embassy’s website The people who are not yet registered are also being encouraged to register with the Embassy, online.
The following numbers can be contacted for information and assistance:
Zulfiqar Ali, the Third Secretary
Embassy of Pakistan, Beijing
Muhammad Junaid, the Third Secretary
Embassy of Pakistan, Beijing