Celebrity NewsMusic

Quratulain Balouch Breaks Silence on Feminism and She Probably Shouldn’t Have

Acclaimed singer Quratulain Balouch who is often more than not admired for her exceptional talent and hard work has left her fans disappointed with the latest, ill-informed tweet on feminism – with reference to the upcoming Aurat March on March, 8.

“Real feminist gets down to work and wastes no time shouting for her ‘rights’,” tweeted the Mann Mayal singer as she basically drew ire of social media for her blatant statement.


In a later post, she highlighted a few women whom she think are the strongest.

QB wrote, “This ones for my Mom, my step mom, Shamim Akhtar, Anisa khan, Zahida Qazmi, Yasmeen Kanwal, Malala, Hajra Khan, women in armed forces and so many likes of these tenacious women who work EVERYDAY towards what they believe in. Then the universe conspires the best plan.“.


Many then took to Twitter to call out Balouch for her comments that definitely came from a place of privilege that many women in the country do not enjoy.

“So much wrong with this – where do I even begin? Your success is built upon a foundation of rights that women before you struggled for. Your success is because of the women who shouted for their rights which are now yours,” tweeted a Twitter user in response.

“Your success is built on those voices who shouted for generations before you could enjoy the life you have now,” another said.


Some Twitter users also asked QB to get down to work instead of tweeting on an issue she didn’t have knowledge of. Some wondered who shouted for the rights the singer enjoys today in a country where she could have been pushed back based on her gender.

“Women face horrific violence in Pakistan @Quratulainb and cant work in healthy, harassment-free conditions, from the rural areas to the cities. Stopping violence & discrimination is the core demand of #Auratmarch. Organizing takes so much strength & labor. Don’t shame us, love,” one of the participants of the march tried to enlighten the singer.


We do hope QB will take some time out and do some research before making another tweet of such sort in future, honestly, we expected better from her.

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