Fairy Tale 2 Episode-7 Review: Farjaad and Umeed’s new life journey begins on a romantic note
Niggo and Mimi's Indian soap avatars are simply hilarious

Fairy Tale 2, Hum TV’s popular Rom-Com is 7 episodes down. Sahar and Hamza Sohail’s onscreen crackling chemistry is what makes this show an absolute hit. In the previous episode, we saw that Farjaad and Umeed finally got married after a series of experiences not less than a roller coaster ride. In this episode, it is shown that Farjaad and Umeed begin their new life journey on a romantic note.
Well, Farjaad is fulfilling Umeed’s all wishes, he arranged the Valima at a stylish yacht as per Umeed’s wish. Everyone is enjoying their best at the yacht but it does not end up well. Agho jaan in a misunderstanding beats Niggo with a stick thinking of her as Sameer and Niggo makes this a matter of her ego. In this whole fuss, Farjaad has left Umeed with her family and takes his mother home, making Umeed worried about her newly started relationship.
Well, Umeed and Farjaad’s newly started life is no less than a roller coaster ride like their wedding functions. Farjaad comes to take Umeed with him in the middle of the night when Pasha Sahab is sleeping. Umeed is already waiting for this chance she is ready and she instantly goes with Farjaad. Pasha Sahab, when comes to know about it gets worried well one wonders why he is worried. he should be happy that Umeed with her husband.
As mentioned before Farjaad and Umeed keep getting into unwanted situations. This time Farjaad’s car gets snatched in the wee hours in the middle of the road. They both are strolling penniless on the road when Umeed gets the idea of reaching the SHO uncle. To our surprise, Niggo and Pasha Sahab were already there but that was quite a stretch. Who does that? Anyways Umeed and Farjaad make their entry into the police station.
Umeed and Farjaad begin their new life journey on a very romantic note. Farjaad gifts Umeed a watch as a wedding gift which replicates her mother’s old watch. Umeed insists that Farjaad not to go the office or on a walk but to stay with her looks romantic. The most funniest part of this play is Niggo and Mimi’s avatars as Indian soap actresses and to our surprise, Umeed as Preet is no less than a toxic Bahu. That sequence is simply hilarious but it seems that Niggo is getting inspiration from these stupid toxic Indian soaps.