Entertainment News

Tom Hanks to Host Biden’s Inauguration TV Special “Celebrating America”

Tom Hanks will host a TV special celebrating the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States.

The TV special is reported to feature performances by Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, and more.

The 90-minute  TV special titled “Celebrating America” will be broadcast live on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and MSNBC from 8:30-10:00 p.m. ET/PT on January  20.

The program will feature different segments and performances that will highlight the strength of U.S. democracy.

It seems like the US  after the humiliating Capitol Hill incident needs more to strengthen U.S. democracy and the perseverance of its citizens.

The celebrated Hollywood actor Tom Hanks has been an active critic of US outgoing president Donald Trump.

In an interview with BBC back in 2016, actor Tom Hanks has said that it will be a dark day if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election but he did hold office.

So the dark clouds might be clearing up for many of the Americans who never supported Trump.

Saman Siddiqui

I am a freelance journalist with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and an MS in Peace and Conflict Studies. Since 2006, I have been involved in various capacities within the electronic media industry. At OyeYeah, I cover diverse genres ranging from journalism and fiction to fashion, including reviews and fact-finding reports.

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