Jordan air-drops medical aid in Gaza using parachutes
A Jorfan Royal Air Force plane has dropped urgent medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza for the second time using parachutes

Jordan dropped medical aid in Gaza using parachutes for the second time since Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip started on Oct 7.
The airdrop comes after Jordan attended the joint Arab-Islamic summit which opened in Riyadh on Saturday with King Abdullah II in attendance.
A Jorfan Royal Air Force plane has dropped urgent medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza for the second time using parachutes, Jordan News Agency has reported.
إنزال مساعدات طبية عاجلة للمستشفى الميداني الأردني في غزةبترا #الاردن #غزة
— Jordan News Agency (@Petranews) November 11, 2023
This is the second airdrop, the first one occurred almost a week ago on November 6. Jordan air-dropped medical supplies to a Jordanian military field hospital in the Gaza Strip on Monday.
“The drop operation came in cooperation with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar to enhance the hospital’s capabilities and increase the ability of medical personnel to provide health and treatment services to Palestinians in Gaza,” Petra News said.
As reported, Aid is parachuted into Gaza and this is in coordination with Israel. The packages are also checked and everything is secured, according to reports.
As reported, the aid parachuted into Gaza is in coordination with Israel. The packages are also checked and everything is secured.
The Kingdom of Jordan has been critical of Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.