Sindh govt. bans pillion riding on 9-10 Muharram
The home department has also prohibited “misuse” of loudspeakers

The Sindh government has put a ban on pillion riding on 9-10 Muharram.
The Government of Sindh, under Section 144 of the CrPC, has taken several measures to ensure the Muharram activities continue uninterrupted.
A notification issued by the Sindh Home Department stated that pillion riding would be banned on Muharram 9 and 10 in the province,
However, women, children below the age of 12 years, senior citizens, disabled persons, journalists, law enforcers, and essential services personnel are exempted from the ban.
Furthermore, the home department has also banned citizens from carrying arms and ammunition of any kind – except for uniform staff, police, rangers, and LEAs.
The “misuse” of loudspeakers has also been prohibited and people have been warned from putting up any kind of objectionable and provocative posters, or banners and carrying out the distribution of leaflets and wall chalking.
The playing of cable transmission at hotels and public places has been banned and no person is allowed on the rooftops of buildings or homes when a procession is moving in that area.
The Government has banned new mourning processions, rallies, majalis, and any sort of jalsa without prior permission from the concerned department.
Meanwhile, the Government has also restricted gatherings to five people, except if they are taking part in Muharram processions.