Jhoom Episode-13 and 14 Review: Mahvish sabotages Aryaan and Maryam’s nikkah ceremony
These episodes solely belong to Zainab Qayoom for her phenomenal performance

Jhoom the drama serial airing at Geo Entertainment is 14 episodes down, and among those, a couple were quite intense. These episodes completely belong to Zainab Qayoom for her phenomenal performance and Haroon Kadwani is also quite impressive and it seems that the guy has improved. In the previous episode, we have seen that Aryaan is about to fulfill Sherry’s condition. In this week’s episodes, Aryaan fulfills all conditions of Sherry but still Mahvish ruins their nikkah ceremony by issuing arrest warrants for Aryaan.
Aryaan has fulfilled the condition Sherry has set for him. He meets Dr Maryam and their union and proximity make our hearts melt for this couple. We are so strongly rooting for this couple. Dr Maryam should not have given Sherry that much liberty that being a younger brother he is setting conditions for Aryaan. Seeking a job was a sane condition but not letting them meet for months is wrong. Maryam should not have allowed her brother to impose such conditions.
Dr Maryam has already met Shehla in the hospital so she herself demands Aryaan to meet her mother, Aryaan’s expression of his disturbance at the mention of his mother is so on the spot. Aryaan is not ready to meet her but then it is the magic of love which has melted Aryaan’s heart. He agrees to visit his mother in the hospital but part of him is not yet ready to forgive his mother.
The scene when Aryaan enters the hospital and Shehla sees his son after ages is such a power-packed performance by Zainab Qayoom her guilt, her desperate love for her son, and her seeking his forgiveness are all so well conveyed. Haroon is also quite impressive he is improving all he needs is to articulate his dialogues properly. The scene where he is struggling between letting his past go and his heart is also beating for his ailing mother is done so well.
Sherry as planned with Mahvish puts a condition on Aryaan that he should bring his mother to the nikkah ceremony and to everyone’s surprise Aryaan agrees on it. Everyone is happy, Maryam is looking absolutely gorgeous as a bride and Aryaan is ecstatic, he is dancing. They are about to unite in the knot of nikkah when out of nowhere Police enter with arrest warrants for Aryaan for falsely beating the employees at his office’s factory. Mahvish also makes her entry claiming that has reported to police and she addresses Shehla too. Aryaan gets arrested and Nikkah is called off. Such a heartbreaking scene, our heart goes out for poor Aryaan.